The 5 Most effective dumbbell exercises you can do at home

If you could only choose one piece of home gym equipment then it has to be a set of adjustable dumbbells.

They’re cheap to buy, take up very little space and are super flexible in terms of the type of exercises and benefits you can achieve with them.

So, regardless of whether you want to lose weight or build muscle, here are ‘The 5 Most Effective Dumbbell Exercises’ you can do at home (or at the gym). 🙂

Related: The 3 most effective pieces of Home Gym Equipment

The 5 Most Effective Dumbbell Exercises are:

1. Single-Arm Row

The Most Effective Dumbbell Exercises: Single-Arm-Row.

This exercise is really effective because it’s the opposite action of a push-up.

Therefore if you balance push-ups with this exercise you’ll get a nice harmony of both a push and a pull exercise.

Muscles exercised: Back, Shoulders, Triceps.

Middle-aged man performing a Single-arm-row dumbbell exercise.

Correct Form:

  • Keep your back straight and core tight throughout the movement
  • Add a little hold at the top of the movement. 1 or 2 seconds is enough
  • Squeeze your buttocks and brace your centre to prevent any movement

2. Snatch

The Most Effective Dumbbell Exercises: Snatch.

The single-arm dumbbell snatch is a really effective compound exercise, that will engage your leg and pulling muscles.

It’s also great for core strength and strengthening your shoulders and back.

Muscles exercised: Abs, Back, Delts, Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads, Shoulders, Traps.

Middle-aged man performing a Snatch dumbbell exercise.

Correct Form:

  • Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart
  • Bend down with your knees (not your back) and grab the dumbbell
  • Explosively lift the dumbbell up and over your head
  • Thrust your hips forward to create the momentum to do so
  • This is a single explosive movement and the main power comes from your legs and hips with your arm and shoulder finishing off the lift

3. Clean and Press

The Most Effective Dumbbell Exercises: Clean and Press.

Very similar to the snatch but this time using two dumbells, you start by holding them by your side.

Squat down, then throw them up to you shoulders so they’re level with your ears, and then push them up as if you were doing a shoulder press.

This movement will fire up most muscles in your body and is another really effective dumbell exercise for generating power.

Muscles exercised: Shoulders, Traps, Triceps, Middle/Lower Back, Abs, Glutes, Quads, Hamstrings, and Calves.

Middle-aged man performing a Clean and Press Dumbbell Exercise.

Correct Form:

  • Start from standing feet approx 30cm/1foot apart
  • Hold the dumbbells firmly
  • Squat down bending your knees first and maintaining a straight back
  • Explode upwards with your legs, push your hips forward and at the same time hoike the dumbbells up to your shoulders
  • Then with a little bend from the knees snap the dumbbells overhead using momentum from both your legs and arms
  • Be careful not hit your head or shoulders with the dumbbells both on the way up and when letting them down in a controlled manner back to the start

4. Goblet Squat

The Most Effective Dumbbell Exercises: Goblet Squat.

The Goblet Squat is a great exercise for increasing your leg strength and core. It will also improve your arm strength and grip.

Hold one heavier dumbbell in front of your chest with two hands as if you were holding a goblet, then you squat down and push up again. Simple.

Muscles exercised: Quads, Calves, Glutes, Core, Arms.

Middle-aged man performing a Goblet Squat Dumbbell Exercise.

Correct Form:

  • Keep your back straight
  • Hold the weight on your chest
  • Bend your knees first and lower yourself down
  • Then push yourself back up through your feet

5. Lunge

The Most Effective Dumbbell Exercises: Lunge.

Holding the dumbbell in both hands, (as with the Goblet Squat) step forward and down to perform a traditional lunge.

This exercise will give your legs a really good workout as well as helping to improve your balance, core stability and hip strength.

Be careful not to overstretch your knees!

Muscles exercised: Glutes, Hamstrings, Quads.

Middle-aged man performing a Lunge Dumbbell Exercise.

Correct Form:

  • Keep your back straight
  • Hold the weight on your chest
  • Step forward and lunge down, not forward
  • Your knee should go no further than the toes on your front foot
  • Push back up to standing

Overall these five exercises will give you a really good work out from the comfort of your own home with just one simple piece of equipment.

If working out at home isn’t for you then take a look at the 20 Benefits of Joining a Gym.